August Energy Notes ..
Read more2022 Energy Notes ~ How to Prepare for this Year Awakening to the Divine
Energy Notes ~ How to Prepare for 2022
Read moreThe Summer of 2019 Moving Into OneNess ~ New Earth 5D Reality
We are In the midst of Eclipses in July 2nd and July 16th are creating a portal for major transformation to connect with your Ancient Future Self,
Sacred Knowledge is opening to more who are open and willing to embrace Gaia, the simple Love for Mother Earth and all the she offers on this Beautiful Planet. It’s inspiring to watch people open up to themselves, the danger is not discerning information. Information is flooding the planet, and you can feel something is happening. The “Something” that is happening is we are moving into Oneness, realizing we are all one with Gaia. The confusion will come with seeing the resistance from many who are clinging to fear, fear of change, fear of not having, fear of not being ok. Know that all is well. We have been here before and as we transcend the illusion and break free from the Matrix which looks like a web to me cannot hold us . We have reached the tipping point in many ways, and now the unfoldment of the resistance, and the powers that were holding us within the construct of the illusion of 3D has crumbled, the confusion comes from watching witnessing the crumbling of 3D as 5D unfolds. Close your eyes, and remember - who you are. Remember who you are. You are an infinite being, full of life, expression, love and beauty wanting to share it with the World. Sharing your personal expression is your gift. The Energy is waiting holding space for you to open up into like a flower blooming unto itself. There will be many shake-ups as the ones grabbing for power become powerless and the New Culture, the Vanguards of a New Humanity step in, step up and step forward. We need you to step in, step up, and step forward. Do not be afraid, fear is what is wanted and there is nothing to be afraid of except for the illusions put before you to scare you. Do not lock on to 3rd dimensional stuff meaning, things, material, money for there is enough for everyone, but many do not want you to have the power of knowing this - if your kept down, the planet cannot rise as we must rise together in Unity. If you stuck, confused, overwhelmed, scared, not understanding all that you are feeling - you are moving into opening up to your awakening and ascension. The Summer of 2019 is a preparation for 2020 which will be a very big ride - get ready now is the time to clear old patterns, limiting beliefs, and clear fear once and for all. There will be no room for fear coming into 2020. Work quietly and deeply get down into your being in understanding what your doing here, and what you want. We all are in this together to Unite this Planet finally for good. More discolusure, shocking events will be coming to the forefront beginning now and especially with this Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 16th which will be freeing many of us from energies that have held us down and back for a decade. It is important to know what you want, for in knowing what you want - you will being to manifest opportunities and synchronicities to you and into your realm of reality. Dream your Dream, Live your Vision, take time to get clear on what your truth is. Your truth is your parachute to freedom. Many of us are telepathically coming together to merge the oneness consciousness - it is why you are seeing many light workers and healers saying the same things in different ways , meaning through their own expression which is our work to encourage you to come into your own expression. Don’t worry about Love, when you embark on your path your right person the only one for you - will be standing right in front of you. They will just show up.. in the meanwhile if you not on your right path for you- you will encounter what I call “imposters” people that look the part but clearly are not. Relationships will be important as we all team up for the Love and Ascension of Earth. 5D means anything is possible and we are limitless in what we are capable of. Many new groups will come together now If you notice your body will not tolerate certain foods anymore as we become lighter and lighter in 5D. Eat light and what works for your body, but dense food and density in general will not work for our bodies anymore. Soundbaths, breathing, meditation, yoga, dance, the ocean, play, laughter, painting, singing and all forms of expression will help in movement if your feeling paralyzed. Perfection doesn’t exist we are all putting out information the best we know how in the midst of so much change, and shifting of the collective. Do not get caught up in Protests or be on the front lines, but rather work low key and behind the scenes as the fight for Gaia intensifies. If you feel like it’s time to move or relocate then make it happen, take your time, lighten all your belongings and live simply, sophisticated and beautiful with lots of room and space for love, creativity and growth.
In Oneness and Love Narea Kim
April is here The months will go move quickly now, and everyone will be within a new sense of themselves. The World will look different. Things that you though you wanted, will have faded with the past dreamy confusing pisces mercury retrograde. We had to learn a new language toward ourselves as pisces is the feeler, not really the verbal communicator. Communication is with feeling now, less words.
We are all embracing and embarking on new places, new people, new purposes, new desires, new ideas. This is a very innovative time first within, then without. New projects, concepts, ways of being, ways of doing things are different now. The World is in a fast awaken, and is now learnin how to do this new world. Adjustments will needed on a consistent bases so even if you have a plan, be open to the changes within the plan be flexible and ready for solutions through action.
This is a physical time, we are way more in our bodies than we have been for awhile, so it may feel more intense, and physical ailments will be showing up to be worked up and out of the body along with the emotions that held them in place to be released. This is why breathing so good. Acupunture will go to another level as will most alternative healing modalities. Being in and with nature will ground your connection to mother earth so you can feel safe in the connection. Where we will feel safe, now that have found our sovereignty: is with other people that have found their sovereignty. Relationships are the new grid. Everyone you do business with will be a relationship that you want in your life. Every person in your life will be there for a reason, and each one will be cherished, loved and supported. The new grid holds everyone up. Balance in relationships, give and take equally for the well-being of both people. There is innovation, love and support for everyone so that we can be here for the planet and pay attention to what needs to be paid attention to and make changes as we build our lives in the new world we have always dreamed of, prayed for, longed for for entire lifetimes.
Abrupt change, loss, people moving on will occur as we all find our places. Don’t worry if you arer meant to see that person again, or they are meant to be in your life then nothing will stop the synchronicity of it happening. People are moving into tribes for stronger support, and it will be tribes that visit each other. There is more unity and solidarity in this way of living. Isolation is useless as not one us can do anything without each other. A hard lesson for many of us independents too afraid to look weak, or vulnerable. What we traded was a lack of intimacy on any level. New forms of intimacy we’ve not seen will come to the forefront and it will be refreshing in all relationships.
There will team-ups, partnering, and many new relationships for the first time in thirty-five years. We may not have know it but we have been so determined to reach love, that we had to work out all our wounds on mankind for a long time. There’s been so much purging and clearing, that it was too confusing to even know what was what, the fog has cleared and the mess is clearing, but there will be more messiness. The difference is you are clear to see it, there is nothing in the way now. It’s a new game here on earth. Now you know that working from the inside out, and beginning with yourself - is everything. We have all the answers within us, but it doesn’t come at any easy price.. it’s digging for gold - your gold, your gems your worth, your value and that is the big lesson here - that we value ourselves and the people in our lives - this is the true wealth & power.
Healers and Healing, being awake, psychic, being aligned, is all part of the charted course now. All of us have profound gifts, and abilities and the fusion of genius that is about to take place is brilliant. People are amazing, look around notice peoples gifts that are putting out into the world now. This is what we came for but the road of awakening was, and is for those waking now pain like you’ve never felt, excruciating on so many levels, but once you’ve burned through the fire, grown and emerged the phoenix - you now know your innate power and your grace of what it is to have the gift of being human while our spirits play.
2019 Re-Emerging in New Ways
2018 was about clearing the way in an alchemical way to generate or re-generate us into our purpose. For the ones on a Divine Mission- we have had to do immense healing in the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Realms. The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine have been so divided within us, and of course as a reflection outwardly in the world. At the end of 2018 we are in a pivotal time that has already been set on a trajectory due to all the inner work of painful lessons, purging, and tremendous growth to catapult into 2019. The stage has been set for 2019, however, this doesn’t mean there won’t be unpredictable events as we are still in what has been called “The Changeover Years” 2013-2027.
We have become in this painful process “Divine Architects”. I feel like we are in The New Renaissance. With 2019 pretty much already here.. by the time January comes in ..we are into our new sets so to speak. There will still be a lot of re-setting our workspaces, but our inner work has been the focus in order to bring about the outer platforms. The process we have undergone has been Spiritually exhausting, arduous, hard to persevere at times, with many breakdown moments in 2018. We were forced in a sense to dismantle all that has not been working under a the Beautiful Grace of the Divine Feminine The Divine Masculine now understands -it is impossible to live without the Divine Feminine, and the Divine Feminine now understands she and the Divine Masculine have to work together as DM anchors and DF allows us to flourish. This has been both the integration within ourselves Yin/Yang and literally the balance or the imbalance on the planet in our relationships, partnerships.
With all the clearing, purging, and transformation that we have undergone in 2018 - We now understand so much more of why we are here, and what we are here to do. This Spiritual Renewal has infused with purpose, stamina, discipline, intuition, compassion, love and nurturing. If you don’t feel this yet, don’t worry your in the process if you’ve been doing your work of releasing the old, and opening to Spirit and listening to your Soul’s desires of what will fulfill and have you come into your completeness with yourself.
The 2019 Theme feels like building out and community in a profound way, In January of 2019 Uranus will leave the sign of Aries, and move into the sign of Taurus shifting the World’s perspective. Uranus will bring Innovation into the themes that Taurus will anchor into the planet now. These themes are - of Venusian Flavor with a jolt of electricity anchoring into the planet new grids for - Art, Food, Culture, Speaking, Singing, anything throat related (Taurus-throat Chakra). Expect many new Artists in the Music Industry and expect more female producers coming in. Beyonce will step into the role of Producing. Art will be groundbreaking in mixing medias and combining tech energy. Although Taurus is not a big “techie” sign - Uranus is. Taurus rules Earth, Gaia so Mother Earth will be in the Birthing process which means many Earth shifts. Food will be a big focus- how we eat - what we eat. Growing food, new communities, and agriculture will expand. Soil will be a big topic - and yes the dark ones will be looking at how to control more soil, more resources. With the elevation of the planet and mankind moving into Quantum energy - darkness will be seen much more openly due to much more light on the planet, and while Genuine Humility will grow, so will the want of Greed, power and control from people on the planet. We are on the verge of a Revolution to have our home Planet Earth be a peaceful, prosperous dwelling of Love and Light. This is not in an airy fairy way, this is in a very grounded real, revolutionary way. People are stepping into their truth in ways they never though they would People will step up with new platforms and new schools to continue the growth of humanity and as the collective begins to realize we are one big family, Innovation is key in 2019 - Innovation in your own life, and for the collective - this is why The Arts will be major and why I and others are calling these times “The Galactic Renaissance.
Committment is becoming key to these times as well - in so as - what is your truth, and what are you committed to. As you allow your Soul to unfold, grace will bestow you, and your path will be illuminated.
Stay tuned, I will be posting some in depth predictions, and working on some broadcasts as well. Love to All and a Blessed New Year.
April 2018 Energy Notes Big Leaps
April Big Leaps in finding our new strides. The beginning of April has been difficult, but actually it’s been difficult since the beginning of 2018. This month is very full emotionally. We resurrect ourselves – into unification with ourselves. These past few weeks have been intense and soul drenching in taking big leaps, it will take some time to get our footing. You will begin to see the change you been attempting to make for years.. in May.
The work that will continue this month is now that we’ve delved deeply into our Soul, and asked ourselves what is it we really want and in having to be very specific. Now all the moving parts of our lives will begin to fall into place. This months energies will require (if you haven’t already) taking parts of your life and restructuring it, whether it be work, money, love, health, fitness, eating, love, relationships or home, and also parents will be important and assisting them in many ways. Somewhere in your life, or maybe all parts – you have had to make a big leap we all have had to do this. The end of March brought a feeling of – I don’t want to be doing this anymore. It could be you want to continue doing what you love, however, it needs to be done a different way – or different altogether. Something, Somewhere, or Someone has not been working, and painfully we have had to face the truth in either parts or, all of our lives. So.. big Reconstruction projects going on everywhere with everyone.
Now begins Our New Work, Our New Attitude, Our New Approach. As we approach Spring you may be feeling like I want to live this Style of Life, with this Quality and Feeling it will be Inspiring. Much of the past is gone, and cleared. Before you can have this New Approach, before you can breathe a sigh of relief, so much resentment, anger, depression, and frustration has had to come bubbling up to the surface. Supressing emotions is pretty difficult now with the energy as hard truth’s have had to have been addressed, and will continue into May. Believe or not a lot of work has been accomplished as most of you who read my notes, have been, and do the work every day.
At present changes that are now being implemented are inclusive of Heart, Wealth, Physicality, Structures, Self Worth, and a much Higher Standard of Living for Ourselves,and those around Us. In the restructuring taking place in our lives, due to the intense emotional dissatisfaction to certain things; nothing has been an easy flow, all this work is so we can get to a much easier flow and live well. In gaining momentum as your applying structure while simultaneously taking certain platforms down, releasing old habits, releasing places, people, things, emotions that have been lingering – It has been juggling act while walking a tightrope. We have turned ourselves inside out with the energy shifts we have endured. Funny thing though, they are so intense now, that I forget them once I have gone through them, and then I have room for the next giant wave. Giving Birth is never easy, and Birthing a New Earth as well as Ourselves .. is what we are doing.
Streamlining is one of the best thing you can do right now. Streamline everything. It feels good, and it will inspire you. Clearing all the clutter, whether it be things, habits, emotions no longer needed to process or hold on to, people you have outgrown, places you have outgrown – will usher in a free flow of new energies. Lot’s of work in April, lots of clean-up projects in your life, and on earth. Before we can build Unity and Unify the Collective – it starts with healing ourselves and lives first which is pretty much where the energy has been pointing to – for a very long time.
Now that we are clear about our direction, or getting clear on what we want to build going forward, while bringing joy in at the same time, there is a learning curve of Unconditional love of self, Surrender in being responsive to our truths, Releasing Judgement, instead of wanting control or somehow making it different, and finally – Union with Self. Your new Archetype, your Soul Truth, Your Essence, Your Authentic Signature of who you are.
The Surge of Ancient Lost Knowledge, Divine Lineage Divine Feminine has been flooding the planet! So many of us have had to let go of our exhaustion, fatigue, giving up, feeling depleted, angry, resentful and done with everything has had to have been addressed or needs to be addressed asap. I write for everyone here however, women have had to take the lead on this one, and because I feel everything on such a deep level, I know this hasn’t been easy. The Divine Masculine is doing the work as well, and yes we all have both Masculine and Feminine, but for a long time – women have been in their Masculine Energy. All of us through our wounds, our family lineages, have had to work out massive healing. Women moved into their Masculine Energy for Protection as many of us from Ancient Lives have endured being burned, or torn limb from limb this created a wound of Epic proportions Psychically in the Collective and Personally. The Pain and Abuse on this planet whether Ancient, or Now, Men, Women, Children, Animals, Creatures, Plants, SeaLife cannot continue. We Heal Ourselves Deeply to Heal the Planet Deeply, April brings choices on what we are doing to build Our New World, and Bring Heaven to Earth. It took all these years and cycles for the Dark to come in, now it’s taking all these years to expose, heal and dissolve all of this Insane Control, Greed and Abuse of the Old Worn Out Patriarch that created all these Systems that No Longer – Work. New Systems, New Ways are rapidly coming in and New Evolution is now the Game. I Love how so much Creative Genius and Sparks of Magic are Awakening in People!! We need this, and it’s so Incredibly Powerful!
In this uncovering time, truth time, we’ve been forced as a species to delve deeper than we ever have before. We’ve been delving deep in what seems like forever, and for some of has been forever with many lives. This has begun to feel like another kind of different – this is palatable in the physical, emotional and spiritual sense. Now – we integrate all to become whole, instead of I am Spiritual, or I am not Spiritual in compartmentalizing everything Now it is Unification with ourselves as whole beings (as we always have been) Raising, Praising Mother Earth with Love, Compassion, and Fierceness to Bring about a World we can live in.
Bring Heaven to Earth – Is not an easy task, but this is where we are, and it start with ourselves first, otherwise nothing happens. Loving Mother Earth, and All Creatures that inhabit this planet – this is Divine Feminine and there is Nothing Stronger Period. Fear + Anger = Hate, and there is no room for it. We will Dissolve it.
The talk of 3D, 4D,5D, and all the coding – 11:11, 12:12, 222, 333, 444, 555, will calm down. These are Ascended Masters that have come before us, helping us and speaking to us letting us know we are on track. This Energy of synchronicity is very strong in the field on the planet. We are not without help, although it may feel or look that way at times. Projecting what you want into your Energy field takes practice as does Mastering Your Energy. You cannot be thrown around by all your emotions, or drama and expect to Master your energy at the same time. First Clear, then everything comes a little easier. These energies require focus, in what you want, patience to take the time to create it, diligence in the day to day, and vision for the long term. Now you know why Streamling, and Minimalistic living is has become so important. Minimalism bring in clarity, and open space for Beauty and Inspiration – two of my all time favorite things.
Good News – Love is back – real Love in Relationships, superficial relationships will drop away, unless you insist on holding on to someone you know is not a match for you energetically or in any way then it will be extremely painful. People crave connection, intimacy, and a union for partnership with freedom to breathe, be yourself, create what you want, and allow your partner the same with respect, reverence and sacredness that comes with true unions. Expect alot of pairing this Spring these are relationships with staying power in this energy of stability, structure and love. The Summer months will bring some interesting developments, but for I will focus on April because – It is packed change, moving parts, serious decisions, new developments that you will need to pay attention to your energy in a big way. We all have tremendous tasks at hand and we will need to continuously Prioritize where our Energy is going. Discipline, Rest Meditation, is important. Look at any Capricorn you know – they pretty much have it down as they understand the Energy of Saturn- You might even want to ask them how they accomplish all that they do and get some advice on how to better structure things in your life. You can look to Scorpios to learn how not be fearful of your own power, Scorps have it down, they don’t flinch no matter how deep the waters get. I know only too well as a Scorp Rising.
April will still challenge our freedom on the outside level, you need to be aware, and mindful as things reveal themselves. This month needs to be taken seriously as it is a time of important choices, and a preparation for May where we settle into our new beginnings. We do not come fully out of Mercury Retrograde shadow til May. On a side note, Retrogrades are a Gift from the Universe as much as they are trying at times depending on the sign they are in, try to understand – it gives us a breather to redo, revisit, regain our strength. Retrogrades are just a different way of working with energies. But, as not to digress..
Earth changes will continue. Crypto Currencies will continue. Change in powerful ways, shocking ways, disturbing ways, will continue, but we know this by now, we just don’t know how as so much is unpredictable, hence the intense, rapid healing, awakening so we are equipped and up to the task. If you notice the energies have been teaching us big lessons over the years in intuitive and instinctive movement from the heart not the head. The Energy of Capricorn where Saturn is is slow moving, Taurus is also very slow moving, but Uranus the planet of shock, and surprise is moving in and to me – this is Earth being Shaken. It is also the Financial World being Overhauled. This will be another Note.
The siege on our freedom to enslave our minds will continue. It will all depend on where you are putting your focus, and how you are managing your energy and new structures meant to be built to sustain us. We are all learning. The more you clear what is not needed – the lighter you are, with a twist in April as everything will become Extremely physical. So whereas, Spirituality has us not so in touch, as we learned we are spiritual beings – now comes Physicality in our bodies, homes, structures with such a different feeling. This Earthliness comes in due to Saturn conjunct Saturn in Capricorn – Earth, and Uranus coming into Taurus Earth. A time of building, structure, financial wealth, and a life you want to be living under the influence of great changes and restructures.
I guess I will close with saying, try not to get caught up in politics as it will only tie up your energy. Try not to get caught up in Spirituality gone crazy and off the rails – meaning conspiracy theories, aliens, 3d, 5d, cults, or gurus unless you have the time to really research them deeply and come to your own conclusions. I download my own information always, it was definitely part of my Initiation and I continue to do so as much as I can. I think I was 3 the first time I knew that I knew. There is a Knowing within. I ask, I ask again, I get frustrated, I get angry, I cry, I get confused, I meditate, I pray, I sleep, I stay connected even when I don’t understand I always hear the answers, the truth, I am always Grateful even when I forget to say it. When I ask Spirit how to move forward, Spirit, Mother Mary, The Divine never let me down because Divinity is in me -It is in all of us. When your head gets flooded go within, drop your head into your heart. Listen to your body, your being, bring in your ascended masters, angels, loved one on the other side. Get into your eating, food is big with Taurus. Do take up some new spiritual practices that work for you, this is big with Scorpio, so is sharing resources. Do pay attention to your home and environment as Taurus loves this. Do find new ways too look at Money as it is energy. Do focus on seeing yourself already living the life you want, having your bills paid, being in the shape you want to be in. Do pay attention to the Divinity flooding the planet, regardless of Religion. Do pay attention to your Dreams, and what you aspire to, and are inspired by. Do pay attention to the people who love you and who you love, the one who support your growth, and new life. None of us can do anything alone. We are meant to support, love, and assist each other and we have been exhausted. This is a lot for sure, but Love moves us forward Divinity moves us allow it to Live in You and you will find your way. It’s when you cut-off from yourself that you cannot find your way. Don’t shut down, stay open to whomever you call God, and The Divine Feminine that is re-entering the planet on a level that is Incredible and so Utterly Amazing and Beautiful. The Energy is very cohesive now in terms of gaining traction to actually build something, where it really hasn’t been for several years. It’s been rocky in so many ways, but now comes some stability, ironically with earth changes, and work. It comes with the necessary breakdown of systems, the uncovering of terrible inhuman behavior all of this has to be revealed, has to be uncovered, so that in the openness, the transparency all can be Healed. The gears are moving, and clicking into place. I can only hope in sharing some of this information it helps in someway in your life.
With Love, Peace & Prosperity Kim
March 2018 Energy Notes
Photo Copyright~Kim Kamilla “I Dreamed of Earth Series”
March Energies are a mixed Bag, with a lot of moving parts. As we come out of all the Neptunian Pisces Haze, we roll right into Fire Energy..Aries the God of War is themed now along with Venus, (Love and Money) Mercury (Communication), and Mars planet of War, which is Aries ruler hanging out together just in time for Spring Fever. Passions will be running super high, I am not exaggerating this. Get Ready.
Venus and Mercury roll into Aries – Mars being the ruler things could get heated. We have the Sun moving into Aries. end of the month and the Spring Equinox. Jupiter just going Retrograde March 8th to give us a good long look at where we are so far regarding our Scorpionic Issues. which are other people’s resources, loyalty, sex, intimacy, and yes our financial outlook taxes are in there too. Try to stay calm as the turbulent waters stir emotions of nothing moving fast enough.
Aries likes to Go, Do, Be so expect a big case
of Spring Fever that will make no sense whatsoever. It could be funny if you stay light, but a lot of “truths” will be unfolding on where people are at, and where they want to be. Mars ruled Aries does not have a lot of patience nor does it have a long attention span. Saturn conjunct Saturn, in Capricorn demands patience, and has been that sobering you’ve been feeling hitting all of our What am I doing, where am I going etc. Things we are building, creating, working on whether it be relationships, business, or projects will begin to show signs of movement, but may have a lot of back and forth review. Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio is now our Internal World, instead of our External World. Although we will begin to see the results of a lot of what we have been working on since the beginning of the year.
Expect a lot of movement from people moving, marrying, changing jobs, locations, wanderlust, and surprise inspirations. Aries loves surprises, adventures, and excitement, and there will be a lot of this in the coming months.
Try to strike a balance between work, and play as Aries loves to play, and Capricorn demands we get down to work. Aries and Cappie are both industrious signs but in very different ways. Aries personality is Idealistic, Adventurous, and craves excitement and newness – all the time. Think of someone who wants Christmas to be every day of the year-that’s Aries. Capricorn the Mountain Goat, climbs slowly, requiring, skill, patience, and fortitude. It is Scrooge, Father time, and extremely Industrious as much as it is serious – this is what Mogul’s are made of. Make sure not to burn out on both ends, and it will be very difficult to balance, especially as all our Love Live’s heat up to the Extreme.
Capricorn’s are usually workaholics, and Aries are the extreme Adventure Seekers. So you have to find a way to make these two work together. It’s not easy as Saturn energy is Old School Patriarchy, and Uranus is the Galactic rush coming in of A.I. and technology moving very very fast. Fortunes will be made but in very ingenious ways. Uranus is The Genius, The Inventor, The Rebel. Saturn and Uranus don’t really get on well together. Saturn wants to stick to the old ways and Uranus want to break through everything to liberate, elevate and free everyone. Clashes Abound between the old and the New. I do like the idea of Uranus moving into Taurus though as it is ruled by Venus rather than harsh Mars with Uranus. Saturn rules the Military, Uranus rules Tech, Innovation, and I would say in some cases – chemicals.
Change will be the game, Big Change for people. Uranus will begin to move out of the sign of Aries where it’s been for since 2011. Now in May, it moves into the sign of Taurus – the Bull. The Bull that doesn’t want to budge. Uranus is a very abrupt, out of left field planet that brings shocks and surprises. With Taurus being a Financial sign – this is huge. Watch the Bull Market watch the stock world go insane. Watch the Financial Market begin to change, the Stock Market spike up and down, Banks scramble to keep from New Currencies entering the New World – they can’t but it will get messy. Uranus rules technology, so some great announcements about technology to help earth in a positive way, my feeling is it has to do with Water technology due to the other big players this year which is Jupiter in Scorpio ruled by Mars and Pluto. Big Spikes in Investments for Projects for the Earth and Technology Advancement, New Inventions. Giant Merger’s with tech companies. Uranus will for sure bring many Hacker’s to the forefront as well. Watch the Art World as it will become a big game and go way up in Value, as Venus is the ruler of Taurus a stable long term Investment Sign. Prepare for everyone to be on the move. Mother Earth will have some shake-up’s as Taurus is an Earth sign. Think back when Uranus entered Aries we immediately had the Japan Earthquake, as it left the sign of Pisces and the nuclear reactor meltdown March 11, 2011.. that is how Uranus announced itself into the sign of Aries, ruled by Mars. It was a 9.0 EQ. Uranus will for sure announce itself in May in some Earthly Big Ways especially Earth Wise and Financial – Huge. We will be out of our Slumber and Wide Awake. Watch the Earth, Banks, and Technology as major changes coming in. Over the Summer we have a Mars Retrograde, and a little later a Venus Retrograde. Brace yourselves this is going to get a little hairy to say the least. Stay balanced, take your vitamins, get massages, live from your heart fiercely. Remember this is one big ride and one great time in History Now here come the Serious Changes. Scorpio, Capricorn do not play. You can get a lot done this year of 2018 if you keep working and do only what you Love.
If you want to know how these Astrological Shifts will affect you personally, you can book an appointment here on my site. Have a Magical March xo
October 2017 Synergy Notes Embracing Intensity
Energy Notes have moved into “Synergy Notes”. This is because I heard that now we must be in Synergy – the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
Life is different now, no one can deny this. Our beings are different, our lives are changing very quickly. Now that the energy has moved into synergy, you can feel that if you resist and don’t go with your own flow, and your own truth – you will have a difficult time. These New Energies are extreme, and intense. Some of us love it, other’s not so much.
Intensity ~the measurable amount of a property, such as force, brightness, or a magnetic field. Intensity is a force you can ride with if your brave enough. It is here to teach you, not only to dive deep into your own soul’s knowing, but to push you, stretch into the outer bounds of your being. Intensity is a gift ~ but you need to learn to work with it. The way to work with Intensity is to spend time with yourself, sit with it, and don’t be afraid of it. It is a force and power that will move you into focus, and priority, There is a lot being asked of us now, and it’s not easy. It is constant reworking, rethinking, as the energy moves so fast due to so many timelines collapsing rapidly for us to clear ourselves faster and become light bodies.
The whirlwind of intensity one the planet almost leaves me speechless, and believe me I have lived in and, with extreme intense energies since I was a child. It has taught me a lot. It taught me not to be afraid to feel anything, and to express my feelings through whatever outlet my soul wanted to direct itself to. The thing about intensity is you need to sift through a lot, and to capture the energy, beauty and essence of your being and how it wants to express itself, and not care what other people think ~ if you want to be authentic in your own life. This includes not being or looking perfect to everyone all the time. Truth is truth.
The learning to sift through needs to be simplified, and simplifying means moving whatever doesn’t resonate with you – has to be moved out. This is your Soul Power this is how you learn what Your Personal Soul Power is. You decide what stays and what goes. The more you do this – the more your canvas becomes clear to you, while syncing yourself up with all the universal forces and the synchronicity of life.
This Energetic shift began in September as it was like a big wave that pulled everyone back into themselves to review, rest, and realign. However, some people did not understand this and came out on the other side of September dazed and confused. Then, October came in and brought all the power forth along, with very fast moving energy that said, get it together. This is the echo of Saturn coming in to come home to it’s own sign, In December Saturn, the Task Master will enter into Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn. This is another shift that you will need to prepare for – Now. On October 10th Jupiter the planet of expansion, came in which as you can see, widened our lenses to the bigger picture and expanded our lives in a split second. The Bigger Picture with Jupiter conjunct Scorpio is one of Tremendous Intensity, but it’s a warm light that shines on us to heal past wounds. This warming light brings healing in many somewhat covered up, and hidden places in our lives. Scorpionic energy always see right through like a laser beam and always gets to the truth.
Use the heat, the passion, the warmth to get deep with yourself and ask yourself – What do I really want to create or have happen in my life, from this place – you begin to sift out people, situations, habits and unconscious behaviors to replace them with joy, happiness, deep soul growth, and an understanding of looking or seeing clearly what is happening on the planet and where you want to be, or what role you want to step into.
There is no denying we are in extreme times, so getting extreme with ourselves seems only appropriate, and what I mean by extreme is using the power of Pluto to dive down and retrieve your own soul that has been held captive by pain, abuse, sadness, anger, resentment etc. Pluto is the Lord of the UnderWorld there is no getting away from the intensity and your own truth now. With the warmth of Jupiter’s energy allow it to bring in Joy so all your pain can be transmuted ~ change in form, nature, or substance. This is a beautiful process if you allow it to organically happen. It means letting go of what or who you think you are, to just be ~ who you are. Travel energetically to that which you are drawn, led, or guided – which means letting go of Control and trusting yourself, and trust in the Universe. It means walking into situations with your soul eyes wide open from here – anything is possible.
Clear everything that you feel you need to… stuff, things, people, places, memories, drama, past hurts, pains, resentments and allow it to be. There is nothing left to do except be yourself, and move from there on whatever you wish to create, but you must release everything so your free.
Many people are exhausted from the World, their schedules, their kids, wrong relationships, being lonely, feeling like they are not loved, or can’t seem to find their way. Sleep more if you need to, exercise more if you needed, eat more, juice more, ask your body what it needs. Get B-12 shots, download some Hemi-Sync You Tubes to balance your left and right brain. Go to a park, the ocean, put your feet in the grass. Look to Nature for answers, just sitting in the grass gives me answers. Ask God, whoever the Divine is for you, but remember – You are God. As a Collective this is being shown more and more.
The darkness on the planet ~ is also consciousness much of it unhealed, wounded and a —— mess, Leave it be in the sense that you cannot save the World, until you save yourself and those around you,then move out into the World. Take time to see that the people you love are cared for with kindness and love – strengthen from the inside out. Take responsibility for yourself, and know that all of this has to come up and out before any of it can be healed.
There is no interference anymore for whatever you want to do. The Energy/Synergy will support you. Ask your Higher Self ~The Higher Self is generally regarded as a form of being only to be recognized in a union with a divine source. The Divine Source Universal Love – Loves You – Love it back in each individual you come across with kindness and honesty,
We are moving into higher by going into deeper levels of honesty, first with ourselves, then other’s, which will bring new levels of intimacy that has been lacking for a very long time. There was no room for it, we have all been grappling with ourselves, and so much turmoil both inner and outer for many years. This is now an opportunity for deep intimacy and healing on every level of our human existence. People will finally loosen their grip on relationships that no longer work, and yes, split or get divorced, because the time for the truth to be with someone who is your partner are now just appearing like magic. No effort, they just show up out of nowhere. They have been doing the work on themselves, so trust in Divine Timing. Not everyone will separate but many will, as the energy of honesty and intimacy increases.
Everyday we wake up to a different energy, you need to be very aware of this, and check in with yourself at all times. We are in a deep mystical, magical time of change, and it is up to us ~all of us. Men are learning different ways to relate to women, and women need to not blame only the men and understand that they too, must find different ways of relating. Abuse comes in many forms and it comes from men and women. The Divine Feminine is rising up not to make women harder feminists, but to realize we are all spirits in human bodies learning to live on a physical plane to have this experience on earth. We need to be much kinder to everyone, and everything starting with ourselves first. Men and Women are learning to use their sexuality in a different way. Creativity, Sex all creative expression needs to be learned in a different way. Jupiter, conjunct Scorpio ruled by Mars and Pluto will insist on this energetic change. We will begin to relate in such better ways not only more intimate, but with kindness and respect. This will take a minute to unravel, but we are in a huge healing now.
Trust in your life, spirit, the universe ask for all that you want, but be kind and nice – stop being an asshole. When your interacting with someone, you are interacting with yourself so you will want to learn to be nice to yourself.
Many Corporations will be making cuts, but also merging with other big companies. Think of things you would want to do other than 9 to 5 if you feel stuck ~ the World could really use your help right now, so don’t be afraid to take that big risk you have always wanted to take. Once you do, Saturn coming home to Capricorn which again is Saturn conjunct Saturn – this will be the time to Build. So don’t hide your head in the sand, embrace the intensity, once you do ~ you can watch things play out on the big screen with a kind of detachment and you will be able to see and read through everything with no fear.
With Love, Kimlovemuse
December 2016 Witchy Winds Are Blowing
The winds in LA are blowing like crazy, you know – it’s those Santa Ana’s where the Energy as your cozy under your snuggly down comforter has your brain thinking about the world. You can’t help but feel the energy changes so strong. This morning they are powerful, energizing, and yet very quiet, as if – if you speak – you would break the spell.. So today I will keep quiet (except for my writing) listening to the intense winds blows, as things go flying down the alley way.
I could stay on Pinterest all day, and daydream, but there is so much to get done. December a month of wrap up the past year in a hurry, along with – let’s decorate and be merry. A lot, all at once. You know, I would just take it as it comes. Instead of rushing, or feeling pressured because every time you walk into a store there is Christmas music playing. I would get into yourself… take this month to clear up things/matters in a different way. Become your own best friend. Quietly address things you would like to clear up, make a list of things you need help with, and definitely take note of people in your life – that cannot apologize..(more on this later). Now, back to clearing up matters.
I think I have repeated myself so many times, in the last four years being so difficult. In essence your cleaning up four years of stuff, so go easy, and maybe try a different way. Take a creative approach, how would it be fun to clean up papers, where would be a great corner for all your art projects that you have been meaning to start. Simplify first, so your head and space are clear, remember energy is everything.
Let go of old clothes, old kitchen stuff, things in the closet, time to throw it out, give it away or sell it for real. If you really want your life to be different, then you must approach your life differently. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake, it’s kind of fun once you get the hang of it, and then .. you can make fun of yourself – which makes all the difference in the world. Being a perfectionist is overrated, it’s in the cooking that is all the fun, and playfulness.
It’s time to get our live’s started, not keep going with the old shit… let it go! Be new, Be you, and seriously, who cares if people don’t like it. We have morphed into such different people – it is almost surreal, everything feels so different and powerful to me. I feel like great changes are coming, and yes – even in the midst of all the Galatic Chaos. Chaos sorts itself out though. You just need to sort yourself out, I don’t know, I kind of like the process, it feels deep, meaningful, and empowering to me. This is the time to use the power/energy of these winds (today literally), but also metaphorically. Use the Energy to shift your life- it’s like using those ropes cowboys use – what are they called Lasso’s?
Anyway, harness your energy, by harnessing the things you want in your life little witches. Being Witchy means being able to use energy to move things around to your liking, and getting rid of – well what you don’t like. You can make up your own rules too. I have one new rule, I am taking into 2017, and that is, I have learned over the past four years.. I really do not want anyone in my life – who can never say the word’s “I am sorry” – there is something very scary and strange about this. It most likely goes deeper, but I feel not being able to say I am sorry would go with a person who has no compassion, or kindness in their heart for people. I found I was saying I am sorry a little too much to people who never had the word’s cross their lips. hmmm. Something to think about, what new rules do you have in your life to keep the integrity of your being safe and boundaries to work your magic admidst your life and the people you love.
Another rule, (my own) – have people around who inspire, and are not competitive, but want to collaborate. Partnering up with be very key as you have probably already noticed. So when you have time – maybe make a list of people you would like to do some sort of project with. Innovation is so key in taking the initiative this year. I would x out the people who are cut throat, and want to step on your head, but it will be so easy to seeing in the coming years who is who. Transparency is just the new “real”.
As far as panicking about Christmas, Holidays, etc. Relax and go about your own timing – you will feel so much better, and if there are timelines – maybe have a priority list. I am finding there are ways to still bring in and live in the magic along with being grounded in the practical day to day. It requires alot more internal work, so you need people around who can respect this, and who actually have the same vibe going on if in the same room, or at a distance. The ebb and flow is great once you get past all the other messiness.
More to come on December, with Love,