2018 was about clearing the way in an alchemical way to generate or re-generate us into our purpose. For the ones on a Divine Mission- we have had to do immense healing in the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Realms. The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine have been so divided within us, and of course as a reflection outwardly in the world. At the end of 2018 we are in a pivotal time that has already been set on a trajectory due to all the inner work of painful lessons, purging, and tremendous growth to catapult into 2019. The stage has been set for 2019, however, this doesn’t mean there won’t be unpredictable events as we are still in what has been called “The Changeover Years” 2013-2027.
We have become in this painful process “Divine Architects”. I feel like we are in The New Renaissance. With 2019 pretty much already here.. by the time January comes in ..we are into our new sets so to speak. There will still be a lot of re-setting our workspaces, but our inner work has been the focus in order to bring about the outer platforms. The process we have undergone has been Spiritually exhausting, arduous, hard to persevere at times, with many breakdown moments in 2018. We were forced in a sense to dismantle all that has not been working under a the Beautiful Grace of the Divine Feminine The Divine Masculine now understands -it is impossible to live without the Divine Feminine, and the Divine Feminine now understands she and the Divine Masculine have to work together as DM anchors and DF allows us to flourish. This has been both the integration within ourselves Yin/Yang and literally the balance or the imbalance on the planet in our relationships, partnerships.
With all the clearing, purging, and transformation that we have undergone in 2018 - We now understand so much more of why we are here, and what we are here to do. This Spiritual Renewal has infused with purpose, stamina, discipline, intuition, compassion, love and nurturing. If you don’t feel this yet, don’t worry your in the process if you’ve been doing your work of releasing the old, and opening to Spirit and listening to your Soul’s desires of what will fulfill and have you come into your completeness with yourself.
The 2019 Theme feels like building out and community in a profound way, In January of 2019 Uranus will leave the sign of Aries, and move into the sign of Taurus shifting the World’s perspective. Uranus will bring Innovation into the themes that Taurus will anchor into the planet now. These themes are - of Venusian Flavor with a jolt of electricity anchoring into the planet new grids for - Art, Food, Culture, Speaking, Singing, anything throat related (Taurus-throat Chakra). Expect many new Artists in the Music Industry and expect more female producers coming in. Beyonce will step into the role of Producing. Art will be groundbreaking in mixing medias and combining tech energy. Although Taurus is not a big “techie” sign - Uranus is. Taurus rules Earth, Gaia so Mother Earth will be in the Birthing process which means many Earth shifts. Food will be a big focus- how we eat - what we eat. Growing food, new communities, and agriculture will expand. Soil will be a big topic - and yes the dark ones will be looking at how to control more soil, more resources. With the elevation of the planet and mankind moving into Quantum energy - darkness will be seen much more openly due to much more light on the planet, and while Genuine Humility will grow, so will the want of Greed, power and control from people on the planet. We are on the verge of a Revolution to have our home Planet Earth be a peaceful, prosperous dwelling of Love and Light. This is not in an airy fairy way, this is in a very grounded real, revolutionary way. People are stepping into their truth in ways they never though they would People will step up with new platforms and new schools to continue the growth of humanity and as the collective begins to realize we are one big family, Innovation is key in 2019 - Innovation in your own life, and for the collective - this is why The Arts will be major and why I and others are calling these times “The Galactic Renaissance.
Committment is becoming key to these times as well - in so as - what is your truth, and what are you committed to. As you allow your Soul to unfold, grace will bestow you, and your path will be illuminated.
Stay tuned, I will be posting some in depth predictions, and working on some broadcasts as well. Love to All and a Blessed New Year.